Experience the rewards of membership and make the most of your shopping with Clube Flex's exclusive offers. The loyalty program is designed to elevate the shopping experience at Flex Atacarejo stores. Just sign up and identify yourself during purchases to unlock a plethora of benefits tailored specifically for users. The app streamlines access to deals, ensuring a satisfying and cost-effective shopping journey.
With every visit to Flex Atacarejo stores, members can enjoy a variety of discounts and special promotions that are accessible only through the loyalty program. Earn points each time you shop and use them for future savings. In addition, you will receive personalized offers based on your shopping habits, making each visit to the store even more rewarding.
Maximize your savings and make the most of every shopping trip with the exclusive perks available through this program. With Clube Flex, the goal is to ensure a delightful and budget-friendly shopping experience.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
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